Thursday, March 22, 2007

Some new links and good reads

1. A new gadget from Google! Add Gadget to Your Webpage
2. Something about browser The Browser: Truth and rumors from the tech world
3. News about Google phone! Europe exec confirms Google Phone | | CNET
4. An interesting philosophy about the air space you have! O'Reilly Radar > This is My Space
  1. Wave Bubble (The lady which made this equipment)
5. A new fast printer, amazing read! 'Revolutionary' new cheap printer to overturn printing industry, analysts claim | Texyt

  1. One more for this fast printer! Silverbrook's Memjet printer technology available late 2007, company says | Texyt
  2. A bit detail about the man behind the scene! Print Article: Ssshhhh... patently, an inventor's at work
6. Patent Scores of IT industry majors! The Patent Board | Our Services | Data & Research Services | The Patent Scorecard