Category: Google Tech Talks
1. The paradox of choice: Barry Schwartz.
2. Human computation, Luis Von Ahn , Google talk. (I have also attended updated version of this live at CERN)
3. Second Life .
4. How to break web software.
5. Biofuels: Think Outside The Barrel
6. Reverse engineering techniques to find security bugs: A case study of the ANI
7. Graphing calculator (One of the most amazing videos, I have ever seen!)
8. Crime: The Real Internet Security Problem
9. Neuromarketing
10. Creative processes in Science and Technology
11. Twitter
Category: BBC documentaries
1. An Islamic history of Europe
2. The Story of India: Part 1-6
3.a. Clash of the Worlds (Episode 1 of 3): Mutiny
3.b. Clash of the Worlds (Episode 2 of 3): Sudan
3.c. Clash of the Worlds: Palestine
4. In the footsteps of Alexander the Great
5. BBC Four - The Smell of Paradise
6.a. Politics - The Power of Nightmares, (Part 1/3), “Baby it's Cold Outside“
6.b. Politics - The Power of Nightmares, (Part 2/3), “The Phantom Victory“
6.c. Politics - The Power of Nightmares, (Part 3/3), “The Shadows in the Cave”
12. Full Circle with Michael Palin
13. Sahara with Michael Palin
14. Himalaya with Michael Palin
15. Michael Palin's New Europe
16. Around the world in 20 years
17. The century of the self (4 part series)
13. Sahara with Michael Palin
14. Himalaya with Michael Palin
15. Michael Palin's New Europe
16. Around the world in 20 years
17. The century of the self (4 part series)