Sunday, September 28, 2008

Some interesting videos I have seen.

Since I am always watching something. So this list needs to be frequently updated.

Category: Google Tech Talks

1. The paradox of choice: Barry Schwartz.

2. Human computation, Luis Von Ahn , Google talk. (I have also attended updated version of this live at CERN)

3. Second Life .

4. How to break web software.

5. Biofuels: Think Outside The Barrel

6. Reverse engineering techniques to find security bugs: A case study of the ANI

7. Graphing calculator (One of the most amazing videos, I have ever seen!)

8. Crime: The Real Internet Security Problem

9. Neuromarketing

10. Creative processes in Science and Technology

11. Twitter

Category: BBC documentaries

1. An Islamic history of Europe

2. The Story of India: Part 1-6

3.a. Clash of the Worlds (Episode 1 of 3): Mutiny
3.b. Clash of the Worlds (Episode 2 of 3): Sudan
3.c. Clash of the Worlds: Palestine

4. In the footsteps of Alexander the Great

5. BBC Four - The Smell of Paradise

6.a. Politics - The Power of Nightmares, (Part 1/3), “Baby it's Cold Outside“
6.b. Politics - The Power of Nightmares, (Part 2/3), “The Phantom Victory“
6.c. Politics - The Power of Nightmares, (Part 3/3), “The Shadows in the Cave”

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